Innovative technologies

Microseismic monitoring

Passive monitoring is carried out by registering microseismic emission signals on the day surface using a seismic sensors located above the emission sources. Technology uses and specialized data processing, based on cluster calculations.

Passive monitoring address the following tasks:

1. Hydraulic fracture monitoring.

2. Fluid injection monitoring.

3. Defining well drainage areas.

4. Defining fault-block structure near bottomhole.

5. Filtration activity monitoring after hydraulic fracturing.

Microseismic monitoring stages:

1. Modeling of wave fields and design of recording system

2. Field works

3. Processing of survey records

4. Integrated interpretation

A custom developed software Fracloc is used for processing

Monitoring of crack growth during hydraulic fracturing (including multistage hydraulic fracturing).

Summary results of hydraulic fracturing (7 stages) – event coordinates
Summary results of recorded energy release

Monitoring results

Kinematic characteristics
• Fracture length, azimuth
• Event occurrence coordinates (X,Y,Z)
• Event occurrence time
Amount and area of energy release
• Total energy of events
• Energy characteristics of each frac stage
Dynamic characteristics
• Defining seismic moment tensor for each event
• Analysis of tensor direction and characteristics: shift, compression, expansion etc.

Additional monitoring options

Filtration activity monitoring

Study of microseismic activity after hydraulic fracturing – allows to determine active ports (intervals)

Fluid injection monitoring

Monitoring of operation of injection wells – analysis of distribution of injected fluid during operation of injection system.

Well drainage area monitoring

Monitoring of production process allows to determine microseismic activity zones in pore reservoirs

Defining fault-block structure near bottomhole

Study of microseismic activity during operation of wells drilled to fractured reservoirs
