Innovative technologies
Microseismic monitoring
Passive monitoring is carried out by registering microseismic emission signals on the day surface using a seismic sensors located above the emission sources. Technology uses and specialized data processing, based on cluster calculations.
Passive monitoring address the following tasks:
1. Hydraulic fracture monitoring.
2. Fluid injection monitoring.
3. Defining well drainage areas.
4. Defining fault-block structure near bottomhole.
5. Filtration activity monitoring after hydraulic fracturing.
Microseismic monitoring stages:
1. Modeling of wave fields and design of recording system
2. Field works
3. Processing of survey records
4. Integrated interpretation

Monitoring of crack growth during hydraulic fracturing (including multistage hydraulic fracturing).

Monitoring results

• Fracture length, azimuth
• Event occurrence coordinates (X,Y,Z)
• Event occurrence time

• Total energy of events
• Energy characteristics of each frac stage

• Defining seismic moment tensor for each event
• Analysis of tensor direction and characteristics: shift, compression, expansion etc.
Additional monitoring options
Filtration activity monitoring
Study of microseismic activity after hydraulic fracturing – allows to determine active ports (intervals)

Fluid injection monitoring
Monitoring of operation of injection wells – analysis of distribution of injected fluid during operation of injection system.

Well drainage area monitoring
Monitoring of production process allows to determine microseismic activity zones in pore reservoirs

Defining fault-block structure near bottomhole
Study of microseismic activity during operation of wells drilled to fractured reservoirs
